Hey Beth,
This post is going out to you. Twice in the past week I have been on the phone with you and every time we said goodbye, you left me very worried. I was going to write this on your Facebook wall however, it will not let me post pictures in the order that I want to, and leave commentary. So this whole post is dedicated to you.
First of all, call me if you have any questions or need to talk. I am limiting my Facebook time and only check it if I get an email on computer about something important on Facebook. For example, this post… I felt like I needed to tell you and show you these things so I got on for you, but after that, I'm going back to my Facebook free life.
Now, as I have said, you have left me worried, and although you are feeling invisible, you have been on my mind quite a lot recently. I hate that I have left you alone in the situations back home, but don't worry it will all be over soon. Two more years! However, in this time apart, I know I am supposed to be at Eastern, we both know God's plan for my life, so you know that this is a crucial time for me as well. Hang in there!
In the meantime - you better be reading this - I was on my way to a class (bio as we have both discussed our distaste for) and of all things Louie Giglio's Indescribable Sermon Part: 5 comes through my earbuds. Typically I change it because I just want to listen to the whole sermon, not parts, but I took a moment and listened to the end. The part where he talks about the x-structure at the core of the whirlpool galaxy. I immediately thought of you.
So you have heard it a thousand times through your iTunes playlist, but in case you have not taken the time to look at the actual x-structure, here is a picture of it.
This is what it actually looks like. Deep in the core of the whirlpool galaxy, thirty-one MILLION light years away! "It's me, it's grace it's forgiveness, it's kindness it's God saying 'I love you!'"
Look Familiar?
This post is going out to you. Twice in the past week I have been on the phone with you and every time we said goodbye, you left me very worried. I was going to write this on your Facebook wall however, it will not let me post pictures in the order that I want to, and leave commentary. So this whole post is dedicated to you.
First of all, call me if you have any questions or need to talk. I am limiting my Facebook time and only check it if I get an email on computer about something important on Facebook. For example, this post… I felt like I needed to tell you and show you these things so I got on for you, but after that, I'm going back to my Facebook free life.
Now, as I have said, you have left me worried, and although you are feeling invisible, you have been on my mind quite a lot recently. I hate that I have left you alone in the situations back home, but don't worry it will all be over soon. Two more years! However, in this time apart, I know I am supposed to be at Eastern, we both know God's plan for my life, so you know that this is a crucial time for me as well. Hang in there!
In the meantime - you better be reading this - I was on my way to a class (bio as we have both discussed our distaste for) and of all things Louie Giglio's Indescribable Sermon Part: 5 comes through my earbuds. Typically I change it because I just want to listen to the whole sermon, not parts, but I took a moment and listened to the end. The part where he talks about the x-structure at the core of the whirlpool galaxy. I immediately thought of you.
So you have heard it a thousand times through your iTunes playlist, but in case you have not taken the time to look at the actual x-structure, here is a picture of it.
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And in case you have not watched the actual sermon, here is the last section, the part with the whirlpool galaxy.
Now… I know you like Louie Giglio… and I may not have told you about the next part I am going to tell you about. I'm going to tell you about Laminin.
I know you don't like biology, but we are going to talk about it for a second. There is a tiny, cell adhesion molecule called Laminin. This tiny, cell adhesion molecule is NECESSARY and VITAL for holding the human body together. It is the glue of the human body, it holds our membranes together!
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Becca, I really don't care about this protein molecule called Laminin." But let me tell you, you will. The knowledge of this protein molecule was what got me through my sophomore year of high school, so since you are a sophomore and dealing with similar issues, but now more extreme, I think this is an appropriate time to show you Laminin.
This is Laminin.
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Apparently Louie is notorious for finding crosses everywhere! Here is the video. Watch it!
God is holding us together! Literally!
So, I know it is hard. I know it is just going to get harder, exams are going to be rough, it's going to get cold, your elbows are going to crack, your skin will dry out and the lack of Thankfulness and Christmas spirit will once again be in the house. BUT it doesn't matter because God is holding us together.
Nothing else matters. God's got it under control.
I think that is one thing that I have learned from taking a break from most social media, and being back at college. Nothing that we go through really matters, it's what we do with it, with those chances and those choices that matter. It is how we react to Mom and Dad. It is how we respect them and their decisions that we make. And as long as you can get to the end of the day and you know that God held you together, physically, mentally, spiritually everything else that happened is okay. You could break down in tears every five minutes, but as long as you knew that God is holding you in that moment of weakness and brokenness, that is all that mattered.
So, my advice to you:
Chose your battles very wisely: Meaning don't go off on Mom and Dad the minute you walk in the door and they say something that puts you on the edge. I've been there, I have done that. Listen to what they say, do what they say (as long as it is reasonable) and then get on with your own life. In doing this, you will have less fights with them, and they will start to gain your trust (which is how I got to leave without asking my senior year). James 1:19 says, "My Dear brothers and sisters, take not of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry."
Do NOT worry about tomorrow: I'm not saying don't study, please do. Knowledge is not going to descend upon you like a dove and then everyone will hear the voice of God say in the middle of bio, "this is my beloved daughter, whom I love, with her I am well pleased, and by my grace I will present her with all my knowledge of the human body as I designed it." As awesome as that would be (and if that happens to you, please cue God in on the idea of doing that for me in bio, thanks), that most likely is not going to happen. Not limiting God, I'm just saying… be prepared, but take it one day at a time. Matthew 6: 34 says "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own."
Be Involved: Even though you may feel left out, or ignored still be involved. TBQ got me through lot of hard times. There were many times that I looked forward to Bible Quiz meets because as you know, its a day out of the house and with friends. Gymnastics as you know was always the thing that got me through high school. Stay involved in drama at school, and I have sent some of my young adult friends your way and I am trusting that they will keep an eye out for you.
Crank the Music: Unfortunately when I was a sophomore like you, I was not into Skillet or He Is We. In fact, I hated Skillet's heavy metal music and I had no clue that He Is We, was even a thing. Instead I listened to Relient K, (The old) Hawk Nelson and Taylor Swift. You're blessed enough with a big sister that has shown you a lot of great music (joking… kind of). I know you already do crank the music but as I am learning in my creative writing class, the language we use knows a lot more than we ever do. So the songs know more than you, let that language get you through this, tell you what you are feeling. Let it uplift you and move you, or help you realize how much more of God you need daily.
Find a Mentor: This is someone older than you whom you trust very much. Someone who can be there for you when I can't. I know life at home is rough, but I can't come help you as often as I would like to. I have to be at church up here with University Christian Fellowship and Pastor Sarah. As you know, I am supposed to be here that's where God wants me, that's where I stay.
Sew Something, Read a book, Write a Book, Scrap Book, Do something: In your free time, find out what gets your mind off of things. For me it was always writing, or if I couldn't write it, I would read and just immerse myself in a whole new world. I couldn't sew at your age, but work on a project, there is still a ton of fabric in the basement. Be creative, and have fun!
Keep a Look Out for Good Friends, Let THEM find YOU: When I was younger Dad once told me that I was good at choosing my friends. That's when I realized that I didn't choose them, they chose me. In fact, I hated most of my friends before I became friends with them. The same thing happened with Jessica. As I told you, one day in Theory I heard a "pssst," and my life was never the same. Although I typically have a very good judgement of character and can tell whether or not to trust someone, they still chose me, and they will chose you. Be open and answer the "pssst's" and if someone invites you to their lake house for the camping unit in missionettes, listen to Mom and go on it (that's how Chloe and I became friends if you didn't know that). They will come, and they will find you. Let God bless you with friends. I remember at the beginning of summer, I actually asked Mom right before service one day at church, "Mom why hasn't God given me friends, he told me to come home, he said he would provide that for me and yet I'm still alone." That day, I became better acquainted with Anthony, and he gave me the confirmation that I needed. It's amazing how God works! He did it with me this summer, he'll do it with you every time you need it!
Lastly, just enjoy life. You only get one sophomore year, and even if you feel defeated, put a smile on your face. It will help…
One time senior year all the cos girls were fighting. Ms. Bain yelled, (actually when she yelled it was more of a high pitched squeal) but anyway… I yelled for her and we all stopped and looked at her. She pointed to the door and said "outside now!" She made us do lunges and bunny hops, and spin in circles until we hit one another and then walk in a straight line. We were fumbling all over the place and eventually all just standing around laughing. She looked at us and said, "the choice of choosing whether or not to smile can be the difference between a good day and a bad day." I have found it to be true. So smile. Even if it's fake, even if it's forced, eventually no matter how bad it is, you will still be happy.
Now that it is really late, I just want to let you know that I love you and you have been on my mind. I know I haven't always been the best sister, but I want to help you get through high school and finish off our relationship on a better note than when we started. I love you and you WILL make it through your sophomore year. I will see you Thanksgiving week!