With OSU just around the corner, and my number of tests and projects piling up, Katie and I sat at the kitchen table discussing events of this year. After a little bit of silence she just chuckled, "what?" I asked her.
"It's kind of funny, at the beginning of the year we started with Becca dating a guy named Ethan, and you having a friend Ethan. Now Becca's Ethan is out of our lives, and you haven't talked to your Ethan for months. We went from two Ethan's to no Ethan's."
This caught me off guard, and shocked me a little bit. After some thinking, I realized that was not what I wanted out of this school year. I could live without Ethan Knopp, although there was a joke that he had already tried to date Becca and Katie, so it was my turn. I shook my head and said no, but every now and then I joke that I want him and that it is my turn to date him (Not really… no interest there in case anyone was curious.)
Anyway… I started asking Katie questions, and realized that I had let some friendships fade that I should not have. So after a lot of consideration and annoying Becca and Katie, I finally texted Ethan and asked if we could meet up for some coffee to ask him questions and clear a few things up. He said yes, and that was that. So much for letting that friendship fall apart.
OSU came, and we were off at five in the morning. I was driving, and there were some… scary parts of driving where I was supposed to be following, another car was leading, and cut off a semi-truck. I tried to follow her the first time and almost killed everyone, so the next time she did it the second time I chose not to try and kill everyone. There was a lot of singing and a moment where I put on sunglasses even though it was still dark out. People need to turn off their brights when they are around other cars.
OSU went well, and the team did fine. The beam did not collapse while someone was on the beam this year, that is a plus. The team went to b-dubs afterwards, and after b-dubs and I was done trying to convince Mason to stay for the party… we left and went back to the hotel.
We were on our way to the hotel and I am not sure who was driving, but we had to turn right, and their GPS didn't tell them that right away, so they crossed three lanes of traffic, and cut off another semi… I wasn't about to do that, so I went through the light, turned around and turned left. By the time we arrived at the hotel, the other cars were waiting for us, and from that point on, I was not given any information. I followed Shannon to our room, which we quickly took and claimed as the "all girls" and "party room."
I am all settled in my room when I get a call from Rachel, saying that I had to move my already parked van from the front to the back, even though it was the same diastase from our rooms to the door. My car had already grabbed all of their belongings and I did not see the point. But whatever.
So I moved my car, and when I get out, I have poor Kristen and Sarah asking me what the room numbers are, who have keys, who gets what room and I didn't have any information for them. If it was not for Shannon, I probably would not have had a room at that point. No communication whatsoever. This frustrated me, and other members of the team.
Poor Kristen and Sarah walked into our room about ten minutes later saying that Dave didn't wanna sleep in the same room as someone else, and therefore we could not have two "all girls" rooms and have the third room be men and girls who are comfortable sleeping in the same room with the guys. But because Dave couldn't suck it up and stay in the same room as another guy, Kristen and Sarah (who are far more innocent than Dave) felt uncomfortable having been in relationships, and having to sleep in the same room as another guy.
Typically it's not a big deal, but lsat year for Miami, I slept in the same bed with Deshawn, and it got to a point where I either cuddled him and got some sleep, or laid there like a stick with my arms above my head. I chose sleep and cuddling, and flopped my left leg over his torso. You could say I wasn't comfortable… So I understand where they are coming from, and I will always push for a girl to be in an all girls room if they are uncomfortable.
Eventually the rooms got situated, and I am not sure what exactly happened with that… but it worked out somehow. From there we napped, or tried to, and "pre-gamed," the party theme was, "I work out," therefore… we have these outfits on.
"It's kind of funny, at the beginning of the year we started with Becca dating a guy named Ethan, and you having a friend Ethan. Now Becca's Ethan is out of our lives, and you haven't talked to your Ethan for months. We went from two Ethan's to no Ethan's."
This caught me off guard, and shocked me a little bit. After some thinking, I realized that was not what I wanted out of this school year. I could live without Ethan Knopp, although there was a joke that he had already tried to date Becca and Katie, so it was my turn. I shook my head and said no, but every now and then I joke that I want him and that it is my turn to date him (Not really… no interest there in case anyone was curious.)
Anyway… I started asking Katie questions, and realized that I had let some friendships fade that I should not have. So after a lot of consideration and annoying Becca and Katie, I finally texted Ethan and asked if we could meet up for some coffee to ask him questions and clear a few things up. He said yes, and that was that. So much for letting that friendship fall apart.
OSU came, and we were off at five in the morning. I was driving, and there were some… scary parts of driving where I was supposed to be following, another car was leading, and cut off a semi-truck. I tried to follow her the first time and almost killed everyone, so the next time she did it the second time I chose not to try and kill everyone. There was a lot of singing and a moment where I put on sunglasses even though it was still dark out. People need to turn off their brights when they are around other cars.
OSU went well, and the team did fine. The beam did not collapse while someone was on the beam this year, that is a plus. The team went to b-dubs afterwards, and after b-dubs and I was done trying to convince Mason to stay for the party… we left and went back to the hotel.
We were on our way to the hotel and I am not sure who was driving, but we had to turn right, and their GPS didn't tell them that right away, so they crossed three lanes of traffic, and cut off another semi… I wasn't about to do that, so I went through the light, turned around and turned left. By the time we arrived at the hotel, the other cars were waiting for us, and from that point on, I was not given any information. I followed Shannon to our room, which we quickly took and claimed as the "all girls" and "party room."
I am all settled in my room when I get a call from Rachel, saying that I had to move my already parked van from the front to the back, even though it was the same diastase from our rooms to the door. My car had already grabbed all of their belongings and I did not see the point. But whatever.
So I moved my car, and when I get out, I have poor Kristen and Sarah asking me what the room numbers are, who have keys, who gets what room and I didn't have any information for them. If it was not for Shannon, I probably would not have had a room at that point. No communication whatsoever. This frustrated me, and other members of the team.
Poor Kristen and Sarah walked into our room about ten minutes later saying that Dave didn't wanna sleep in the same room as someone else, and therefore we could not have two "all girls" rooms and have the third room be men and girls who are comfortable sleeping in the same room with the guys. But because Dave couldn't suck it up and stay in the same room as another guy, Kristen and Sarah (who are far more innocent than Dave) felt uncomfortable having been in relationships, and having to sleep in the same room as another guy.
Typically it's not a big deal, but lsat year for Miami, I slept in the same bed with Deshawn, and it got to a point where I either cuddled him and got some sleep, or laid there like a stick with my arms above my head. I chose sleep and cuddling, and flopped my left leg over his torso. You could say I wasn't comfortable… So I understand where they are coming from, and I will always push for a girl to be in an all girls room if they are uncomfortable.
Eventually the rooms got situated, and I am not sure what exactly happened with that… but it worked out somehow. From there we napped, or tried to, and "pre-gamed," the party theme was, "I work out," therefore… we have these outfits on.
The video of OSU explains the whole party scene, but it was a lot of fun just hanging out with the team in the hotel room playing random games that made everyone look ridiculous (such as zip bong). When it was time for the party, we piled into the cars and we make a couple of turns to get a call from one of the Bowling Green girls saying, "the party is cancelled." At that point, half of our team turned around and went back to the hotel, not to hang out together, but to sleep.
Come on guys… Really? We are at a gymnastics meet together!
So… Me, who typically hates parties anywhere outside the comfort of my own apartment asked my car, since I was sober, and staying sober, "Do you guys still want to go out? Or turn back and have fun in our hotel room." Everyone agreed that they wanted to go out.
So everyone who knows me, knows that even if I do like a party, it is only for a good half hour and then my introverted self isn't the party pooper, but I am pooped by the party and want to go home. But I got out into the middle of the dance floor with Shannon, Paige, Morgan and Patricia, and I honestly had a great time! Dodging the creepy guys was something that I will never be fond of with clubs, and the way that they hold their hand out to you as if you're live stock that they are buying… that's creepy too, but if you ignore that and just dance with your friends it is a lot of fun.
And that was OSU in a nutshell… it was a pretty solid meet altogether, but it really got me thinking.
Mason went home, half the team stayed back and didn't even come out with us, and even then a fourth of the team didn't even join "the party room" when we were all celebrating Rachel's birthday with cupcakes and games, (I had about five of those mini cupcakes by the way) and a couple for breakfast the next morning… Shhh…
After all this time that we were given together, some of us didn't take advantage of it. I let it roll off of my back, but then the Miami meet came around.
However, one thing that did start with the OSU Meet was…
Here is the OSU/January Video: