Wednesday, November 20, 2013

College Life

So since I started this blog, I have written specifically on lessons I have learned based on what I have gone through, but I really want to just start talking about life, and anything of God that comes up I will definitely give credit where credit is due.

I am now a freshman in college, and going through those experiences, challenges and really just crazy nights that you want to forget about. Then when it comes to those crazy nights, sadly there is a video about that night, and yes multiple people have the video.  There is no escaping karaoke night at Tower Inn…

No I am not one of those girls that sleep with a different guy every weekend, I don’t get drunk, smoke, get high or any other sketchy thing. I’m one of those students that are in a sport, my friends never see me do homework, but it’s always done. They think that I work for the DEA and when I had my boyfriend in my room alone for three hours, they did the 20 questions afterward, 10 of them were different ways of asking if he took my virginity.

For the record the answer was no. He said that sex was up to me, so I told him we wait till marriage, which was the plan from the beginning.

Although I don’t do those crazy things, there are still many crazy nights and days here at Eastern Michigan as a freshman. There are many college experiences that you can still have but not get wasted, high or have meaningless sex.

And I can’t wait to start…


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