Monday, September 29, 2014


Sunday I went to church, and I felt as if every bit of happiness had been sucked out of me. I didn’t know why, but I felt like once again, I had hit a point in my life where I had gone numb. I couldn’t feel stressed because I was numb; a guy couldn’t break my heart (if I were in a relationship) because I was numb. Although I can guarantee that I have been feeling enough physical pain over the last couple of weeks, I wasn’t feeling anything. No highs, no lows.

I left church feeling better, but I still was not sure why I was feeling the way that I did. I was constantly surrounded by two of my best friends at Eastern, Katie and Becca. I was always hanging out with Dave, and had gymnastics three days a week, and often times we spent time together outside of the gym.

Over the course of that Sunday, I spent it studying, and editing a poorly written story for class. Then studying some more, then editing some more. As I spent the day hard at work on my to-do list, I kept getting text messages from two group messages that I had. The first was between Becca (one of my roommates) Katie (my other roommate) and I. The second group message was between my best friend group back home, Chloe, Sophia, Ellie and I.

For a while it seemed that I had forgotten about that group text, as if the only group text I had was between Katie, Becca and I. So I would inform them on random things like when I saw an unidentified human being, Becca would then ask me, “if you had to take a guess, was it a male or female?” Funny things like that was what popped up in my everyday life. It was funny, and random.

As I sat and looked at this group message between Sophia, Chloe, Ellie and I, I read text messages of asking for prayer in certain situations and circumstances in our lives. We talked about meeting lead singers of bands, and when we got a new piercing. Even though these messages were rare, it kind of defined our friendship, and I realized that was something that I missed. Although we didn’t talk every day, we didn’t send those random messages, we messaged each other about what we needed the most, or the biggest thing that just happened in our lives.

I can’t explain it, this type of friendship is something rare, but I realized that it was something that I needed more of. It is not just prayer when something bad happens between roommates. It is not just prayer when you are in pain at practices. It’s prayer when you’re upset, or have a big test. It’s venting when you are stressed out, and making sure everything is okay between the four of us. It’s asking for advice when you can’t find a sub for work, but you have already paid for the trip. It’s those little intimate things in life that what people want, and need out of relationships.

It’s those friendships that come, and never leave. The ones that you trust with anything and everything. It's the ones that you can vent with, and be on the same page, the ones that try to understand, even when they know they never will. Those are the types of friendships that I crave for, those are the types of friendships I have with those four wonderful women. 

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